Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Spagetti Cat!

in case you haven't heard/seen this already, this is probably the most brilliant thing to happen to morning tv in years, and i don't even have cable.


kaile said...

hahahaaa. i <3 spaghetti cat.

it actually looks like my late black kitty named P' Kat.
I'm sure I've referenced him before...

P for Pussy Cat.
And of course all c's in this family are replaced with k's

Becky said...

i totally thought you were referencing another word with the c and k switch, but that would have made your cat's name redundant.

my bad, i hope this does not smear P Kat's good name. I think P Kat is the coolest cat name right after Spagetti Cat, which is a version of what I would name a feline of mine.

btw the cat clip was apparently how they are going to bleep shit on that show from now on