Friday, July 18, 2008

And this is why I need a hamster...


kaile said...

1. that is the cutest hamster I have ever seen, growing up I only had not so cute tan ones named fred.

2. I would def buy a hamster like that if they did not spit out all of the food in their cheek pouches so it looks like they vomit 10 times a day

kaile said...

3. Little known/embarrassing...I mean...awesome fact about me... When I was little I used to make obstacle courses and mazes like this with legos and duplos for my hermit crabs. When your parents have never let you play a video game, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Becky said...


hermit crabs? hahahahaha

hey now, i had a tan hamster named versailles (true story) but then i changed his name to quicksilver. ghetto fabulous. i also had a goldfish who's name i changed every day, each name usually had crystal or rainbow in it. i also grew up in a trailer.