Tuesday, March 11, 2008

charlieeeeeea that really hurts

1 comment:

Becky said...

hahahaha that little boy sounds like HOMESTAHHHHWR RUNNUHR at first and then I realized its because hes a Brit. British kids sound so much more adult then Amurricans. The little one looks like a stoner. His parents should keep and eye out.

That reminds me of a video my parents have of me at like 3-4 and theyre asking who is coming to my birthday party, and I am eating a peanut butter sandwich, and I am absent mindedly yelling out GRANNNNIE AND AHHHNNNT ANNNNIE in my fucking Baltimore accent. I am gonna leave that up to your imagination to think about what that sounded like. This is of course during my super ugly phase in which my mother cut my hair like a Japanese anime boy character.