Monday, March 3, 2008

Becky...I'm sorry. Your mom sold your childhood memories to istockphoto.

(this is going to slow the whole page i know it!)
(also, if you click em they link out to a bigger size to look at)

my favorite photo is of course the top-left one, the simple unintentional juxtaposition of these 2 images is what makes istockphoto artistic genius.

Also, whoever wrote these captions for those photos should get the copywriter of the year award!

(this is not really becky, please don't stalk this little girl)

1 comment:

Becky said...

who are you kidding Kaile, no one else reads this. Who are you cautioning? Yes, thats me, how else do you think I can go to the most prestigious school in the Universe? I saved up from my stock photo modeling career. Lindsay Lohan, eat your heart out.